
Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Motherhood Life Introduction

People said, never shared your personal life story in public. Yes, I agreed with that but it still depends to the individual itself. So for me, this blog will be my personal stories and my family stories but it will not be too detail since I will keep the sensitive and private stories for myself. This blog will be my place to write all my unsatisfied and satisfied, happy and unhappy stories that happened in my life. If you enjoy reading it, you can place your comment down here or you also can give any idea or an advice for me. So welcome to My Motherhood Life and enjoy reading.

Taken from:


  1. Sharing buli bh kan ..jgn smp telebih suda la

    1. Iya moi, share yg buli d trima la.. klu lebih nnt lain pla jdinya..


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